
Thursday 2 June 2022

TfL Opens Consultation to Reshape London Bus Routes in Central London – Closes On 12 July 2022

Some of my readers have already seen the news of TfL’s shocking proposal to reshape London Bus routes in Central and Inner London by amending existing and withdrawing routes.

From TfL press release

Emergency Government funding needed as a result of the pandemic was provided with conditions, including the need for TfL to reduce operating expenditure.

• Proposals aim to mitigate effect on passengers as much as possible while fulfilling Government requirement for savings

• Plans mean most customers are still able to use a single bus for their journey, TfL having worked to ensure the impact of the reduction in bus services is minimised

• Mayor's 'Hopper' fare available for any passengers needing to change buses

Proposals on reshaping the central and inner London bus network, following a Government requirement for significant savings, have been outlined by Transport for London (TfL) today.

These proposals have been set out by TfL due to the Government requiring TfL to reduce service levels on London's bus network.