
Sunday 10 January 2016

News about Townlink, Road Runner & Olympus bus companies

It’s now official; the Traffic Commissioner has decided to take away the O Licences for the following companies:
Townlink Buses
Roadrunner Buses
Olympus Bus & Coach Ltd

I had previously written back in late October 2015 that the Harlow bus operating companies had to face a Traffic Commissioner’s Public Inquiry. This took place on the 3rd November 2015.

LOTS (London Omnibus Traction Society) have a report on their news page as it’s their only news item:

“Harlow area independents Roadrunner, Townlink and Olympian all lost their O licences with effect from 26 February following a Public Inquiry at the Traffic Commissioners.”

I've also found out from the Notices and proceedings for the east of England of the Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain in their latest report NP 2222 - 6 January 2016, that those companies have to pay fines of up to £25,050!!!!

Here is the text from the document:

Section 5.2 – Decisions Taken at Public Inquiries

PSV S17 Licence revoked with effect from 2359 hours on 26 February 2016.
PSV - Sch.3 - Transport manager Carmelo Antonio Marino found not to be of good repute and disqualified as a transport manager with effect from 2359 hours on 26 February 2016 until 0001 on 26 February 2017 (a 12 month period)
Olympus Bus & Coach Limited (PF1057008) is ordered to pay a financial penalty under section 155(1A) of the Transport Act 2000 in the sum of £4,800.

Director(s): MARIO GIOIA
PSV S17 Licence revoked with effect from 2359 hours on 26 February 2016.
Townlink Buses Ltd (PF1117777) is ordered to pay a financial penalty under section 155(1A) of the Transport Act 2000 in the sum of £14,250

PSV S17 Licence revoked with effect from 2359 hours on 26 February 2016.
Sch 3 - Former transport manager Martin John Upton found not to be of good repute and disqualified from 2359 hours on 01 February 2016 until 0001 hours on 01 August 2016 (a period of 6 months).
Road Runner Buses Ltd (PF1099025) is ordered to pay a financial penalty under section 155(1A) of the Transport Act 2000 in the sum of £6,000

Ensignbus, a bus company from Purfleet will be taking over the route 21 service because Townlink has ceased trading…

Here are their Tweets:

I'll finish off the article with the video of my own Journey on route 21 operated by Townlink Buses. I have finally captured some history at least.

You can follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and Google Plus for all the latest transport updates at @CLondoner92 

Image attribution
"Townlink LX51 FHH on Route 20, Epping Station (15468487180)" by Au Morandarte from London, Middlesex, England - Townlink LX51 FHH on Route 20, Epping Station. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons -,_Epping_Station_(15468487180).jpg#/media/File:Townlink_LX51_FHH_on_Route_20,_Epping_Station_(15468487180).jpg