
Monday 30 October 2017

A consultation for a proposed small change on London Bus route 372

TfL has opened up a consultation for London Bus route 372 for eastbound routing to serve Rainham Railway station more closely.

From TfL consultations

We are proposing to make changes to how bus route 372 serves Rainham Station to improve the interchange for passengers. The proposal also helps to respond to concerns raised by councillors from the London Borough of Havering about historic infrastructure on Wennington Road.

In detail, we propose to reroute the 372 via Rainham Station eastbound only. From Broadway, it would operate via Old Station Lane, Celtic Farm Road and Ferry Lane, returning to the line of route on Wennington Road. The bus stop on Wennington Road would no longer be served. However, the stop on Celtic Farm Road would replace this and allow better interchange for eastbound passengers arriving or boarding at Rainham Station. There would be a small disbenefit for some through passengers as their journey time would increase slightly.

We reviewed the possibility to also reroute the service westbound at Rainham station too. However, this would require the bus to travel via a longer loop via the station. This would have required additional time in the schedule and would have impacted adversely on the reliability of the service or would have required an additional vehicle which would not be a cost effective use of resources.

You can take part in the survey here and the consultation closes on 10th December 2017.

The advantage of this change is that it will reduce walking times for passengers that need to travel towards Lakeside Shopping Centre from Rainham Railway Station.

Here’s a quick London Bus news update from LOTS:

London United has now taken possession of the former Tower Transit garage at Atlas Road and around twenty of the new VHs due for route 18 on 11th November have been delivered directly there. At Go-Ahead two of the new batch of WHVs are in temporary use at Camberwell prior to the batch being used from Morden Wharf Garage on route 188 on 11 November.

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