
Wednesday 23 September 2020

TfL confirms route 313 to be served using New Routemasters – Delays to electric bus rollout

I know it’s been a while since I posted a new article on my site but here’s a round-up of the latest London Bus news:

The Peak Vehicle Requirement (PVR) reduction of New Routemasters (NRM) on London Bus route 38 has led to the conversion of one route.

TfL has confirmed in a Freedom of Information request that route 313 will be using three-door, two-staircase hybrid New Routemasters during mid-October.

Route 313 serves from Potters Bar to Chingford Station via Enfield.

Drivers and passengers on the M25 motorway may see the Heatherwick designed New Routemasters passing junction 24 Potters Bar Interchange.

Prior to conversion, route 313 operated a frequency of every 20 minutes with a PVR of 7 (ADL Enviro200) single deck buses; the service is operated by Arriva from Enfield (E) garage.

New Routemasters currently serve routes:

3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21, 24, 27, 38, 55, 59, 67, 68, 73, 76, 87, 91, 137, 148, 149, 159, 168, 176, 189, 211, 253, 254, 267, 390, 415, 453, EL1, EL2, EL3, N3, N8, N9, N11, N15, N16, N19, N38, N55, N73, N87 and N253.

TfL also stated; “There are no further plans for routes to convert NRM but, if service changes take place which release NRMs for further use; we will continue to seek the best alternative use for them.”

TfL also confirmed all the NRM routes have converted to front-door boarding, in line with the rest of the London bus fleet; this means that all three-door boarding has ended.

Electric bus rollout

In the same Freedom of Information release, TfL updated us on the electric bus rollout; they said:

Many planned conversions of routes to new or different technology buses have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. We anticipate all of the above routes (23, 69, 173, 174, 200 and 319) will convert to electric operation by Autumn 2021.”

We do not hold a fixed list of routes earmarked for conversion. We invite bids from operators, evaluate what comes forward, and award contracts on the most economically advantageous options. This may result in routes being awarded on new zero-emission vehicles, existing vehicles or a mix of vehicles.”

I’ve also noticed that London Bus Routes have reported on their service changes page that the rollout of new ADL/BYD Enviro400EV City buses for route 319 have been delayed until next year due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Now the New Routemaster buses have fully converted to front door boarding, I believe TfL could update the London Bus specification to require bus operators to purchase or lease double-deck buses with three-doors and two-staircases for the purpose of speeding up alighting at bus stops.

I’ve previously suggested that bus manufacturers ADL/BYD should build a three-door, two-staircase spec Enviro400EV City giving TfL the option to replace the hybrid New Routemasters once they reach their 14 year life cycle.

Unfortunately TfL have no plans to roll out newer buses with three-doors and two-staircases because they prefer private bus operators to purchase or lease two-door, one-staircase buses for their route contracts.

TfL and their contracted bus operators could use the leasing model proposed by the Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT), as mentioned in my previous article.

Brief update on Jo Bamford’s Wrightbus

Belfast Telegraph have reported Wrightbus now have a full order book until Christmas, resulting in the development of a new zero-emission bus expected to launch early next year. They also expect the double-deck hydrogen bus to launch in Aberdeen and London before the end of this year.

Brief conclusion

It’s a shame the Coronavirus pandemic has delayed the rollout of new electric buses for London.

It’s been a year since Wrightbus entered in to administration and Jo Bamford saved the company from liquidation.

I am looking forward to the New Year when Wrightbus are expected to announce the launch of their upcoming zero-emission bus. Currently there are no further details of the upcoming product so we have to wait until early next year for more information.

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