
Wednesday 31 January 2024

TfL Anticipates the Launches of Irizar Ie Tram Buses for Route 358 in June 2024 and a New DLR Train in Spring 2024

Transport for London (TfL) has posted multiple Freedom of Information (FOI) requests on their website, which has caught my attention. This is in relation to the delay in the launch of the Irizar Ie Tram buses for route 358 and the new Docklands Light Railway (DLR) B23 rolling stock train.

Firstly, we take a look at the FOI request for the Irizar Ie Tram, which is expected to launch on route 358 this year.

Request ID: FOI-3532-2324
Date published: 30 January 2024

Delays to the rollout of Irizar ie tram style buses for route 358

1. Would you be able to provide information about the delay in the rollout?

Unfortunately, power connections and land ownership has contributed to the delays of the pantograph installations at either end of the route.

2. When are you expecting to launch them into passenger service?

The new buses on the route 358 are due to enter passenger service in early June 2024.

3. When was the date that was originally supposed to roll out on route 358?

The original start date for operation of the full fleet was March 2023.

4. According to the blog post (linked below), it shows the number of respondents from various consultations requesting tram-style buses on more bus routes. Does TFL plan to fulfil the request by the respondents?

There are currently no further plans in the pipeline for tram like bus models, however the decision on vehicle proposals continues to be the responsibility of the Bus Operator.

5. Are there plans to purchase more tram buses for more London bus routes?

As above.

6. Can you reveal the costs for the infrastructure and purchase of Irizar ie tram buses for route 358?

The bus operator bid with these buses as part of their route tender bid. The cost of infrastructure and purchase is embedded within the route 358 contract.

I'm amazed to see that the person who made the FOI request has shared my article with TfL for reference. I have published an article revealing the comments from TfL's consultation reports for the New Routemasters and tram-style buses.

We take a look at another FOI request on the launch of the new DLR train.

Request ID: FOI-3533-2324
Date published: 30 January 2024 

New DLR trains

So recently we have heard about the new DLR trains now being tested outside operational hours, however I wanted to know when will they start to tested during operational periods and when will they be introduced onto live services. Also is there any indication of which lines will get the new trains first? Thank you.

TfL's answer:
We currently forecast the new DLR trains to commence reliability proving in operational hours, and entry into service in the first quarter of 2024/25. We anticipate them being introduced on Stratford International to Woolwich services in the first instance. This will be subject to final confirmation in the coming months.

What do you mean the 'first quarter of 2024/25'?

This is in reference to the UK fiscal year, which starts on 6th April 2024. I'm not an expert on accounting, but there is UK Government guidance on annual reports and accounts.

Here's an update by TfL about version 2.5 of the New London Bus Vehicle Specification.

Request ID: FOI-3705-2324
Date published: 30 January 2024 

New London Bus Vehicle Specifications version 2.5 with attachments

Would you be able to publish the New London Bus Vehicle Specifications version 2.5 (and later versions if possible) on your website please.

TfL's answer:
TfL does not hold the requested information. Version 2.5 of the London Bus Vehicle Specification has not been produced yet: We are expecting it to be ready by the end of March/early April.

According to another FOI request, TfL expects to release the new (sixth) edition of the Big Red Book (guidance for London's bus drivers) in Summer 2024.

Update - 26 February 2024

TfL has responded to another FOI request about the trambus delays.

Request ID: FOI-4099-2324
Date published: 26 February 2024

1. How many irizar buses for route 358 have been (a) ordered, (b) built and (c) delivered?

There are 20 Irizar ieTram buses required to operate the route 358, 11 of these have been delivered to the UK for commissioning. The remaining 9 buses will be delivered in advance of the service start date.

2. How much is the cost each bus?

The cost of the ieTram bus is embedded within the route 358 contract.

3. How much is the cost of the storage in (a) UK and (b) Spain?

Storage costs associated to equipment and/or buses is paid for by the operator and embedded within the route 358 contract.

4. What is the depreciation on the value of the buses given the time since build?

All costs associated to the ieTram buses are embedded within the route 358 contract.

5. What is the estimated loss of revenue as a result of the buses not being used since build?

The route 358 remains in service.

6. What research was undertaken as to the owner or occupier of the land which it is proposed to erect the charger at Orpington bus station?

TfL and the Bus Operator engaged with all landowners in order to erect the charger at Orpington.

7. When was contact first made with the occupier?

All parties were engaged in 2021 at the concept stage.

8. What is the current position?

This question is unclear.

9. When is proposed to erect the charger?

The pantograph chargers at Orpington and Crystal Palace were erected in 2023.

10. What is the planned date for the start of the service using the irizar built buses on the 358 route?

The new buses on the route 358 are due to enter passenger service in early June 2024.

11. What has been the impact of air quality from the delay, given that older more polluting buses have been left running on the route for longer while the cleaner all-electric bus has been stuck in storage?

The buses currently operating the route 358 are Euro VI vehicles and meet the Ultra Low Emission standards.

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